Events & Happenings
The ‘ALJ Sisters’ offers teenagers a boost of self-confidence at SIBF 2023
With its tight script, perfect direction and outstanding performances,
the musical enthralled audiences at Sharjah International Book Fair

It was an evening dedicated to the young attendees visiting the Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF) 2023, who streamed in to watch the ‘ALJ Sisters’ play taking place at the SIBF theatre in Expo Centre Sharjah.
As Aljoud Albaanon, Wadha Alayoub, and Aljourry Albaanon skipped onto stage with their backpacks, singing an upbeat song to a peppy tune, the young ones began cheering ecstatically.
Through the character of the three sisters, aged 13, 14 & 15, producers of the play are hoping to reach pre-teens and show them the importance of honing self-confidence, nurturing innate skills and understanding that kindness and respect go a long way in building character.
“The play is a Kuwaiti story based on Kuwaiti culture,” Khaled Meshari, Project Manager of ALJ Sisters, informed. “Through this play we want to give children ethical values. The story is very interesting. An example I can share is when one of the children tells a lie, the ALJ sisters go to him and they advise him to speak the truth. Through this play we are trying to tell children how important it is to have good values.”
Supported by a stellar ensemble cast, the play took the audience on a journey into the lives of the three girls, each distinctly different from the other in personality as well as preferences. Incorporating engaging music with well-written dialogues, the cleverly crafted play has been directed to ensure the target audience identifies with the character of the sisters, while being entertained the whole time.
“The challenge in this production was ensuring the lyrics and words for the songs are relatable to the children in the target age group. We also wanted that the music and melody is such that the audience remembers it after the show. Even the set decorations and the colours of their dresses have been envisioned to ensure they appeal to the younger children”, Meshari further explained.
dresses have been envisioned to ensure they appeal to the younger children”, Meshari further explained.