Fever, renowned for its captivating and immersive multi-sensory international Candlelight Concerts, presents Candlelight Christmas to celebrate the holiday spirit with tunes from popular movies such as...
Having delighted audiences worldwide, Candlelight international concert series created by Fever is set to enchant Dubai once more. For the first time ever, the iconic Zabeel...
A multi-sensory musical experience with authentic flavours and classical sounds under the gentle glow of candlelight
Fever brings the multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before
Prepare to be enchanted by the ethereal sounds of Taylor Swift's timeless hits, under the gentle glow of candlelight
Fever brings the multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before
Fever brings the multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before