Children immersed themselves in the captivating world of their favourite animated characters as SCRF hosted a remarkable store that celebrates the exquisite art of replica anime...
Volunteer team thanks young guests and organisers for making their job ‘one-of-a-kind’ as they sign off with memories of a lifetime
Empowering young minds through the fusion of art and literature: Comic Book Poetry Workshop a hit at Sharjah Children's Reading Festival
The high-energy dance and workout routine set to popular songs leaves kids wanting more during the festival’s concluding weekend
Renowned Gabonese Chef wows the crowd with her Pan-African culinary skills and presents a mouth-watering dessert at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival Cookery Corner
British circus performers Jason Maverick and Laura Davis turn heads with their all-blue humanoid costumes and mechanised movements
In recent years, technology has revolutionized storytelling, leading to the popular trend of adapting books into movies and TV series. These adaptations use visual storytelling to...
The aroma of renowned baker Grace’s freshly baked cookies mesmerises audience at Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival
Selling khringo (Moroccan churros) and tea out of a 23-year-old VW Beetle, Souhel Mohammed tells what makes his story different
Bayan Al O. does pencil and charcoal sketches and oil paintings of various subjects related to UAE life and culture, and is currently showing at the...